
Human Services Education in Arizona

Arizona is the most populous of all landlocked states and has a few major cities that give it a special character and unique economic opportunities. Phoenix and Tucson are the two biggest cities in Arizona. With 20%+ of the population being Spanish speakers, those Human Services workers who really want to excel in the field would be wise to add a focus in Spanish to their educational plans. The Phoenix metropolitan area is huge with a population of 4.1 million residents making it a great area to start your career in Human Services.

With a variety of schools, universities, hospitals and government agencies the employment options for a well-educated Human Services worker in Arizona are many and varied. The opportunities to give back to your community are also plentiful. Whether you are working with Navajo Tribal members in a Social Work capacity, or helping people fill out Medicaid forms at one of Tucson’s hospitals, there are many ways to help your fellow Arizonans as a Human services worker.

As always, choosing your career path is one that requires careful deliberation and research. Here at we have devoted ourselves to bringing you high quality information on a variety of careers in the Human Services sector along with their educational requirements. Remember, that in addition to a primary focus on a Human Services degree such as Sociology, Social Work, Psychology or Marriage and Family counseling, it is wise to gain fluency in Spanish. With its large migrant and immigrant population from Mexico, learning Spanish is a critical skill to have in the Human Services sector of Arizona.

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If you hold a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college, you are eligible to work in the following positions in Arizona:

  • Licensed Bachelor Social Worker
  • Behavioral management aide
  • Case management aide
  • Arizona Substance Abuse Counselor (You can also hold a Bachelor of Sociology or Psychology)
  • Probation officer
  • Rehabilitation case worker
  • Community outreach worker
  • Juvenile court liaison

With a Master of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited university or college, you can qualify for the following positions. This is in addition to those listed under Bachelor of Social Work (depending on field experience and licensing requirements):

  • Tribal Social Worker
  • Tribal Social Work Liaison
  • Marriage and family therapist
  • Social and community service manager
  • Licensed Master Social Worker
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Child welfare case manager

If you choose to reach the pinnacle of education in the form of a PhD in Psychology, Counseling or another Human Services discipline you will have even greater opportunities. You will be eligible for all the previously listed jobs and you will also be able to move directly into management positions in Human Services agencies. With your expert status you will also be able to train whole new generations of Human Services workers by teaching at one of Arizona’s many universities and colleges. With a PhD you will have unlimited potential to reach your career goals.

The first step on your journey towards a career in Human Services in Arizona is identifying what profession you which to join and in what capacity. While a Master in Social Work or a PhD in Counseling both give one tremendous opportunities, they also have decidedly different career arcs.

You can start to narrow things down by looking at the database of careers here at along with their educational and licensing requirements. It is important to understand that you will need to plan out not only your education, but also earning field experience if you wish to attain some of the more advanced licensure. Carefully researching your career goals is a wise choice and we are here to help.

Once you have a career in mind and know what the educational requirements are, you will want to contact the school in Arizona that fits your particular education needs. You will want to make sure their program is properly accredited. It is a good idea to contact your school’s registrar to find out its particular application process. Usually schools require that you apply for their programs several months in advance so planning ahead is key. With careful research and planning you can achieve your career goals in Human Services.