
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Delaware

Delaware has a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor through a 3rd party state certification system and a state supported licensed level. The two titles are: the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) and the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC). The LADC level requires a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science with credits in Counseling or a closely related subject.

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For the CADC Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • You must be currently employed at an ADC agency.
  • If you do not have a degree you will need 6000 hours of supervised A&D work experience to be certified.
  • If you have an Associate’s degree you will need 5000 hours of experience.
  • A Bachelor’s degree requires 4000 hours.
  • A Master’s degree requires only 2000 hours.
  • At least 51% of all supervised work experience must be providing direct addiction counseling services to clients.
  • All experience must be in the eight ADC domains which are: Clinical Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Referral, Service Coordination, Counseling, Client, Family and Community Education, Documentation and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities.
  • You are required to show proof of 300 hours of direct supervision including 10 hours in each of the eight ADC domains.
  • You need 270 hours of education in the eight ADC domains with at least six in professional ethics and responsibilities.
  • Education can be in the form of a degree program at an accredited university or in-services, college credit courses, workshops and seminars.
  • Three college credits can be converted into 45 hours of education.
  • You must pass the IC&RC examination for A&D counselors.
  • You can find the application here.

For the LADC Level

The Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) is the state sanctioned title. This title requires an advanced degree.

  • You must possess a Master’s degree or Ph.D. in a Behavioral Science with at least 30 hours at the graduate level in Counseling classes or highly related field.
  • You need 3200 hours of Substance Abuse Counseling experience
  • You will need 1600 of the 3200 hours under the direct supervision of a Board approved supervisor.
  • 100 of the 1600 hours of supervision must be face-to-face consultation with a supervisor.
  • No more than 40 of the 100 hours may be in the form of group supervision.

Applying for Certification

You are now eligible to apply licensure with the Department.

  • Apply with the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation: Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals for your title and license. You can find the appropriate application form here.