LCSW School and Degree Progams

Find and School that Offers LCSW Degrees. Below you will find education requirements that will allow you to be work as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Follow the guidlines to work in this sector of Human Services.

Become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

The Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializes in mental health therapy for clients using a Social Work lens and methodology. They help their clients to resolve troubling emotional patterns through concrete steps and strength based approaches to changing cognitive and behavioral patterns to create desired outcomes. This career requires excellent communication skills, the ability to establish a deep rapport with clients, empathy, compassion and a comprehensive understanding of Social Work related mental health therapies.

Education Requirements for Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

These skills are honed and refined during the educational process that is required to attain licensure. Every state has different licensure requirements (you can read about licensure requirements for your state by clicking on the name of your state). All states with the Licensed Clinical Social Work license require a minimum of a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Having your MSW pre-supposes that you have already attained your Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) or a highly related degree such as Psychology, Sociology, Human Services or Counseling. Most Master of Social Work programs require that prospective students have a Bachelor of Social Work degree. You will then be required to take licensure tests and also perform a number of years of supervised clinical training. You can learn the specifics for your state by following the link provided above.