
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Iowa

Iowa has three levels of certification for Substance Abuse Counselors. The three titles are: the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC), the International Alcohol and Drug Counselor (IADC) and the International Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (IAADC). The IAADC level requires a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science with credits in Counseling or a closely related subject.

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For the CADC Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • You must have a High School diploma or GED 24 semester hours of college credits in substance abuse or a highly relevant area of study. (Disciplines that qualify include: Counseling, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Human Services, and Criminal Justice).
  • You will need 150 hours of education on AODA subjects including the following classes specifically: (45 clock hours in Counseling Theories & Techniques; 45 clock hours in Alcohol and Drug Specific; 6 clock hours in Special Populations; 6 clock hours in Counseling Ethics; 3 clock hours in Racial/Ethnic
  • You will need 1000 hours of supervised A&D work experience to be certified.
  • You must have a minimum of 500 clock hours doing tasks related to the performing the eight ADC domains which are: Clinical Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Referral, Service Coordination, Counseling, Client, Family and Community Education, Documentation and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities.
  • You are required to show proof of 36 hours of direct supervision.
  • You can find the necessary forms here.

For the IADC Level

  • The International Alcohol and Drug Counselor (IADC) is a more advanced title.
  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • You must have a High School diploma or GED, an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science will help to reduce the amount of time you need in terms of supervised experience. (See below)
  • You will need 270 hours of education on AODA subjects including the following classes specifically: (90 clock hours in Counseling Theories & Techniques; 90 clock hours in Alcohol and Drug Specific; 6 clock hours in Counseling Ethics; 3 clock hours in Racial/Ethnic
  • You will need 6000 hours of supervised A&D work experience to be certified.
  • If you do not have a degree you will need 6000 hours of supervised A&D work experience to be certified.
  • If you have an Associate’s degree you will need 5000 hours of experience.
  • A Bachelor’s degree requires 4000 hours.
  • A Master’s degree requires only 2000 hours.
  • You must have a minimum of 300 clock hours doing tasks related to the performing the eight ADC domains which are: Clinical Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Referral, Service Coordination, Counseling, Client, Family and Community Education, Documentation and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities.
  • If you do not have at least a Bachelor’s degree you will need 500 clock hours of supervision in the eight domains.
  • You must pass the IC&RC Exam for this level of certification.
  • You can find the necessary forms here.

For the IAADC Level

  • The International Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (IAADC) is the highest level of certification in Iowa. It requires that you have a minimum of a Master’s degree.
  • You must possess a Master’s degree or Ph.D. in a Behavioral Science with at least 30 hours at the graduate level in Counseling classes or highly related field.
  • You need at least 6 hours of course work in Counselor Ethics and 3 hours in Racial/Ethnic
  • You must have a minimum of 2000 clock hours doing tasks related to the performing the ten ADC domains which are: Clinical Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Referral, Service Coordination, Counseling, Client, Family and Community Education, Documentation, Research Design Analysis & Utilization, Clinical Supervision and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities.
  • You will need 300 hours of direct supervision in the ten domains.
  • You must pass the IC&RC Exam for this level of certification.