
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Kansas

There are two levels of licensure for Addiction counselors in the state of Kansas. One level is called the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) and the top level of licensure is called the Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor (LCAC).

Are you interested to learn about Addiction and Substance Counseling? Take the opportunity to learn about dedicated programs. Request free information to begin or continue a degree program.

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Requirements for LAC

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
  • You must have a Bachelor’s degree in Addiction Counseling, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work or a highly related area.
  • You must complete classes in the following areas: Addiction Treatment (3 semester hours); Methods of Individual Counseling (3 semester hours), Methods of Group Counseling (3 semester hours), Pharmacology (3 semester hours), Co-Occurring Disorders (3 semester hours), Addiction Services Coordination (3 semester hours), Legal and Ethical Issues (3 semester hours), Family and Community Studies (3 semester hours), Research (3 semester hours).
  • You must complete some sort of practicum that had a minimum of 600 hours of AODA counseling.
  • You will need 100 hours of individual supervision.
  • You must pass a national standardized exam as approved by the board.
  • You can find the application for LAC here.

Requirements for LCAC

  • You must have a Master’s degree in a Behavioral Science discipline.
  • You must complete classes in the following areas: Addiction Recovery Services ( 3 semester hours), Methods of Individual and Group Counseling (3 semester hours), Clinical Supervision ( 3 semester hours), Pharmacology (3 semester hours), Integrative Dual Disorders (3 semester hours), Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders (3 semester hours), Professional Legal and Ethical Issues (3 semester hours), Research (3 semester hours)
  • Your graduate studies must include a practicum, 350 hours of supervised experience providing AODA counseling services.
  • You need 35 hours of direct individual supervision.
  • You must pass a national standardized exam as approved by the board.
  • The application form for the LCAC can be found here.