The Master of Human Services Degree

In today’s increasingly competitive job market, in many fields it’s wise to consider earning an advanced degree. This holds true even in high-demand fields like human services.

By earning a master’s in human services you are not only getting an advanced education that will prepare you to effect real change in your community and beyond, but also the credentials employers often look for when filling administrative and other leadership positions.

From policy development to frontline community outreach, human services is a field that involves getting the most out of what you have to work with. It’s a field that values the ability to effectively manage teams, keep morale up, and marshal limited resources to get the job done.

Getting the most out of every employee and every dollar budgeted for a project is something that relies a lot on people with the right attitude and the right disposition for the job, but it also requires the right education.

From management positions with social services agencies, to careers in academia helping to prepare the next generation of human services professionals, you could find a full spectrum of career options becoming available to with an advanced degree in human services.

Due to the vast structural changes in the American job market, you will find that many careers require only a Bachelor’s degree in the job description are in fact, going to candidates with Master’s degrees. As the labor market has become filled with better educated candidates, employers are now able to take candidates who have advanced degrees for even mid-level positions. This is the genesis of the phrase “The Master’s degree is the new Bachelor’s degree”. By gaining your Master of Human services degree you are greatly increasing the odds that not only will you have a wide variety of potential occupations, you also will be extremely competitive when pursuing lower level jobs to get a “foot in the door” in an agency. This is sometimes a wise strategy for recent graduates as you can secure a position in the agency and then rapidly promote from within by virtue of your educational background.

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With a Master’s degree you will find that a broad diversity of potential careers has become available to you. For example, with a Master of Human Services degree you can also apply to join a management team. This is especially true of those who have completed a Master of Human Services Leadership degree program.

With a Master of Human services degree, many positions in academic organizations will also become available. Including working in jobs such as: student affairs administration, higher education counseling and other positions within the schools bureaucratic structure. You can for example become a Higher Education Counselor working on college campuses to help students determine the best path for their educational career and giving advice on how to secure the job of their dreams. With your Master of Human Services degree you will also have the necessary education to train a brand new generation of Human Services workers. Often you can become a member of the faculty by teaching Human Services at your area Community College.

A Master’s degree in Human Services gives one exceptional opportunities throughout the vast Human Services field. One of the other important benefits of having your Master’s degree is that you can expect a significantly higher earning power when compared to a similar candidate with a Bachelor’s degree.
There are a tremendous variety of jobs you will have access to once you have your Master of Human Services Degree or Master of Human Services Leadership degree.

Here are some of the human services job titles you can hold with your Master’s degree:

  • Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Human Services Educator
  • Higher Education Counselor
  • Student Affairs Administrator
  • College Instructor in Human Services
  • Drug and Alcohol Counselor
  • Director of Human Services Agency
  • Geriatric Social Worker
  • School Social Worker
  • Social and Community Service Manager

You can find more information on potential careers in human services by going to our page on in-depth career analysis which you can find here: