
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Michigan

Michigan has many different levels of certification as offered through the Alcohol Drug Abuse Certification Board of Michigan a non-governmental body. The three primary levels of certification are called Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor (CADC) and the Certified Advanced Alcohol Drug Counselor (CAADC).

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CADC Requirements

  • High school Diploma or GED.
  • Three years or 6,000 hours of supervised experience in AD counseling.
  • You will need 270 hours of education in ICRC/AODA related courses that are composed of the 12 Core Functions: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You are required to have a minimum of 300 hours of supervision which must include ten hours in each of the 12 Core Functions outlined above.
  • You will need 6 hours of counseling ethics.
  • You must sign the Counselor Code of Ethical Standards.
  • You must pass the ICRC/ADC Counselor written examination.
  • You can find the application for the CADC by clicking here.

CAADC Requirements

  • Master’s degree in Counseling or closely related Behavioral Science field with a clinical application.
  • Three years or 2,000 hours of supervised experience in AD counseling.
  • You will need 180 hours of education in ICRC/AODA related courses that are composed of the 12 Core Functions: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You are required to have a minimum of 300 hours of supervision which must include ten hours in each of the 12 Core Functions outlined above.
  • You will need 6 hours of counseling ethics.
  • You must sign the Counselor Code of Ethical Standards.
  • You must pass the ICRC/AADC (Advanced) Counselor written examination.
  • You can find the application for the CAADC by clicking here.