
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in Nevada

Nevada has three levels of certification for Substance Abuse Counselors. The three titles are: the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Intern (CADCI), the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CIADC) and the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC).

The CADCI is an introductory level of certification and is required to gain experience for the higher titles, the only requirements are a High School diploma, proof of registration of college credits and a Supervision Agreement (you can find the form here).

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For the CADC Level

  • You must pass a criminal background check.
    You must have a Bachelor’s degree in a Behavioral Science with a clinical application from an accredited school, if you have 18 semester hours in addictions you can reduce your required practical experience to 1,500 hours.
  • You are required to have 2 years of supervised experience (4,000 hours) if you have your Bachelor’s with AODA coursework per above, this is reduced to 1,500 hours.
  • You must pass a state written examination on: Pharmacology of Psychoactive Substances; Counseling Practice; Theoretical Base of Counseling; Professional Issues: Ethics, Confidentiality and Federal Dept. of Transportation Regulations.
  • You will need to pass the NAADAC Level II written examination
  • You must have scores of at least 70% or better on written exams to take Oral exam.
  • You must score at least a 70% on your Oral exam
  • You can find the necessary form here.

For the LADC Level

  • You must possess a Master’s degree or Ph.D. in a Behavioral Science with at least 30 hours at the graduate level in Counseling classes or highly related field.
  • You must have accumulated 2 years/4000 hours of professional clinical supervised experience
  • If you have18 semester hours in AODA subjects you can reduce your supervised experience to 1500 hours.
  • You must pass a state written examination on: Pharmacology of Psychoactive Substances; Counseling Practice; Theoretical Base of Counseling; Professional Issues: Ethics, Confidentiality and Federal Dept. of Transportation Regulations.
  • You will need to pass the MAC examination.
  • You must have scores of at least 70% or better on written exams to take Oral exam.
  • You must score at least a 70% on your Oral exam
  • You can find the necessary form here.