North Carolina

Substance Abuse Counseling Certification in North Carolina

There are two levels of certification in North Carolina for Substance Abuse Counselors. One level is for training purposes and is known as the Substance Abuse Counselor Intern (SACI). The full level of certification is known as the Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC). There are educational, supervised experience and testing requirements to attain these titles.

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Substance Abuse Counselor Intern (SACI) Requirements

  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • You must have a High School Diploma or GED. A Bachelor’s degree in Addiction Counseling is recommended.
  • You must sign the state Code of Ethics.
  • You will need to complete 3 hours of Substance Abuse Counselor ethics training.
  • You must submit and have approved your proposed supervised experience plan.
  • You must complete a 300 hour Supervised Practicum in the 12 Core Functions, with 10 hours of direct supervision in each: Screening; Intake; Orientation; Assessment; Treatment Planning; Counseling; Case Management; Crisis
  • Intervention; Client Education; Referral; Reports and Record Keeping; Consultation.
  • You must pass the IC&RC Computer Based Test.
  • You can find the necessary forms to become a SACI here.

Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) Requirements

  • You need 6,000 hours of supervised work experience over the course of 3 years.
  • You must have 270 hours of training and/or education with 190 hours that are substance abuse specific. You must have 6 hours of HIV/AIDS/BB/STD/Infection disease training; Ethics; Nicotine Dependence; Substance Abuse and Veterans; Substance Abuse and the Elderly; Psychopharmacology; Evidence Based Treatment Approaches.
  • Pass the IC&RC ADC Exam.
  • You can find the application to become a CSAC here.